  • Migration
  • Convert ADAudit Plus from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture
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Converting 32-bit installation of ADAudit Plus to 64-bit installation

  1. Check the product build number.
  2. If it's not the latest build, upgrade your 32-bit version of ADAudit Plus to the latest build using the service pack below- https://www.manageengine.com/products/active-directory-audit/service-pack.html
  3. Install the latest 64-bit version of ADAudit Plus in a different computer. Do not start the product.
  4. Stop the 32-bit installation.
  5. Rename the lib, jre, and bin folders as lib_old, jre_old, and bin_old respectively in your 32-bit installation.
  6. Now copy the lib, jre, and bin folders from the 64-bit installation folder and paste it into the 32-bit installation folder.

    If the back-end DataBase is MS SQL, in addition to copying and pasting the lib, jre, and bin folders,

    • Go to bin_old folder found under the 32-bit installation folder, copy and paste the following 2 files- bcp.exe and bcp.rll to the bin folder found under the 32-bit installation folder (copy-pasted in step 6).

    If the back-end DataBase is MySQL, in addition to copying and pasting the lib, jre, and bin folders,

    • Go to bin_old folder found under the 32-bit installation folder, copy and paste the following 3 files- StartDB.bat, StopDB.bat, and SetCommonEnv.bat, to the bin folder found under the 32-bit installation folder (copy-pasted in step 6).
    • Go to conf folder under the 64-bit installation folder, copy and paste the file wrapper.conf to the conf folder under the 32-bit installation folder. Open the wrapper.conf file and change pgsql (refer to the image below) to mysql.

    Migrating ADAudit Plus from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture

  7. Go to \ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\conf folder in 32-bit installation.
  8. Open product.conf file using Wordpad.
  9. Change "product.processor_architecture" to 64. Note: The 10th step found below, is required only for build numbers 6000 and above.
  10. Copy the wrapper.conf file from the location \ManageEngine\ADAudit Plus\apps\dataengine-xnode\conf\ in 64 bit installation and replace it in the 32 bit installation.
  11. Start the 32-bit installation and re-apply the license file.

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